Level 2 Technical Certificate in Agriculture | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Course Overview

Who is the course for?

This broad-based course is designed to be a first step to a career in agriculture. It provides a good foundation so you can progress on to higher vocational qualifications related to the agricultural industry.

What does the course involve?

This practical-based course is designed to give you a good understanding of all aspects of agriculture and help you to secure a career in this fast-moving industry. It provides an excellent foundation so you can progress on to higher vocational qualifications related to the agricultural industry including the Level 3 T-Level and/or an apprenticeship to further develop your skills and knowledge.

The units of study may include:
•Health and Safety
•Crop Production
•Physiology of Plants and Animals
•Farm Livestock Production
•Agricultural Machinery Operations
•Farm Estate Maintenance

What makes this course special?

The College has its own 200-hectare commercial farm, which you will work on to develop your agricultural skills. During farm duties you will be developing your agricultural skills whilst assisting the farm staff in both the day-to-day operations as well as involvement with seasonal operations.

During the year you will visit relevant trade shows, commercial farms and attend talks by a range of industry experts.

Students learn using a variety of activities including group work, information gathering from sources outside College, use of periodicals, newspapers, oral presentations and peer group assessment.

Placements/work placements

During the course you will required to undertake at least 150 hours of practical work experience within the agricultural industry.

Assessment Methods

Assessment is through coursework in the form of written synoptic assignments, theory exams and a multiple-choice health and safety exam.

Progression Options

You could progress onto the T-Level in in Agriculture (Livestock) or an Apprenticeship in Agriculture.

Course Summary

Course Title Level 2 Technical Certificate in Agriculture
Entry Requirements

You need five GCSEs in the 9 to 2 range including English and Maths or a Level 1 qualification. Course entry is subject to an initial assessment in English and Maths in order to determine the appropriate level of study, and a successful interview is required.

Attendance Requirements You will attend College up to four days per week to receive the underpinning knowledge for the practical skills you learn at work.
Start Date
Start Time  
End Time  
Remaining Places  


I love the farm duties and working with the animals. It's brilliant here. I've made lots of friends, gained in confidence and now have knowledge of all areas of farming.

Josie Dowding

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